Casting Call

Eagle Ridge Commercial 

June 21st

We will be shooting several different segments of a commercial on June 21st. 
The commercial will feature many of the activities in and around the resort that we want 
our guests to know. This is obviously volunteer only, and each segment will take as little as 30 minutes to an hour at the most.
If you are interested, please contact me by 5pm Friday June 16th.
Colin Sanderson: or 815-776-5056

What we are looking for:

Walking The Stony Point Trail

  • 10:30am Stoney Point: 
  • One couple to walk the Stony Pont Trail to the look out
  • One family to walk the Stony Point Trail to the look out
    • This will be a short walk while we take the video with the ending of the shot looking over the Galena Territory 

Pontoon Boat Ride

12:30 We will meet in the lobby of the resort.
  • Family of four to walk down our path to the Eagle Ridge Marina
  • We will get a video of the family getting on the boat and then taking off from our marina.
    • We will have a driver for the boat and some snacks for the family.


2pm at THE GTA Marina Pickleball Courts
The Courts have been reserved
  • We need four players
  • We would like men and women basically a couples match

3pm Foot Soccer at the East Course

  • We are looking for a family of four or more to kick around the soccer ball
  • We will take video of mainly the first three holes. 
    • Carts will be available. 

8pm Dinner at Highlands Restaurant Deck

The last video of the day will be on the deck at Highlands Restaurant. We will get a video of our guests dining and hopefully capture a great sunset. All of our cast that were in the video during the day are welcome to be part of the dinner video and of course dinner is on us for your participation.

If you are interested and would like to discuss each of these video shots please do not hesitate to contact Colin Sanderson.