Spa Day Packages
Call To Book Today 815.776.5SPA (5772) or 800.343.0868
Tranquil Day Away Spa Package
Tranquil Day Spa Package
This package delivers Stonedrift Spa's three most popular treatments - the 50-minute signature massage, the 50-minute signature facial,and the 50-minute signature pedicure.
For more information or to book a spa package,
call 815.776.5SPA (5772) or 800.343.0868.
Rates From $325

Stonedrift Spa Day Away Package
Stonedrift Spa Day Away Package
This package delivers a 50-minute body exfoliation, 50-minute signature massage, 50-minute signature facial,and a 50-minute signature manicure & pedicure.
For more information or to book a spa package,
call 815.776.5SPA (5772) or 800.343.0868.
Rates From $525

Mother To Be Day Spa Pacakge
The Mother to Be Package features:
(1) 50 minute Mother too Be Massage(1) 50 minute Sensitive Skin Facial
(1) 50 minute Signature Pedicure
For more information or to book a spa package,
call 815.776.5SPA (5772) or 800.343.0868.
Rates From $350